The Fifth Shanghai Landscape Forum: Sensation


Past Shanghai Landscape Forum events
Past Shanghai Landscape Forum events / image: Sasaki

[活动预告与报名] 第五届上海景观论坛——感知

上海景观论坛是由Sasaki, AECOM 和 SWA 三家设计公司于2017年联合发起的主题性景观行业分享盛会。随着SOM, ASPECT Studios, HASSELL, TLS等多家国际性景观公司的加入逐渐壮大。论坛以”开拓新的实践,以催化设计创新、影响政策变革;提升公众对于景观重要贡献的认识;倡导景观行业,使之汇入社会进步的主流推动力“为使命,旨在提升景观行业的影响力,并推进行业的可持续发展。其主题覆盖景观设计行业及相关领域的方方面面。往届论坛已成功吸引设计师们就生态复育在中国的实践和挑战,景观中的文化遗产,景观与基础设施等话题交流与分享。

The Shanghai Landscape Forum is a themed sharing event initiated by Sasaki, AECOM, and SWA in 2017. The forum expanded with participation of SOM, ASPECT Studios, HASSELL, TLS, and many other international landscape companies. It aims to pioneer new practices that result in design innovation and influence policy transformation, raise public awareness of landscape architecture’s vital contributions, bring landscape architecture into the mainstream by advocating for the profession as a driving force for social progress, and build a more sustainable tomorrow. The forum covers all aspects of the landscape design industry. Previous forums have successfully attracted designers to exchange and share topics such as the “practice and challenges of ecological rehabilitation in China,” “landscape cultural heritage,” and “landscape and infrastructure.”


The Fifth Shanghai Landscape Forum

第五届上海景观论坛将于4月21日在机遇中心AIO SPACE举办。本次论坛将采用售票入场的形式,早鸟票将于3月24日发售!本次论坛也首次尝试“跨界”征稿,并增加互动讨论环节的比重。届时不仅有多位来自世界顶尖景观设计事务所的设计师们现场围绕主题分享精彩观点,也会有艺术家面对面参与分享与互动。22家行业内媒体受主办方邀请与其展开战略合作,并对此次活动进行前期宣传与后期报道。凡达利艺术、雨鸟贸易、上海亿泽机电和KOMPAN游乐设施作为本次活动的赞助商出席共同助力上海景观论坛。论坛采用中英文双语,以面向更广大的行业群体。上海景观论坛期待您的热情参与和讨论!

The fifth Shanghai Landscape Forum will be held at the AIO Space on April 21, 2019. This forum is open to the public with ticket admission, and early bird tickets were released on March 24. For the first time, the forum called for interdisciplinary proposals and extended the interactive discussion sessions. A number of designers from the world’s top landscape design firms will share their wonderful ideas. There will also be opportunities to interact with designers face to face. Twenty-two media groups were invited by the organizers to participate in pre-event promotion and post-reporting of the event. Vantaly Art, RainBird Irrigations, Shanghai Yize Electromechanics, and KOMPAN are the sponsors supporting this event. The forum is bilingual in both Chinese and English to target a wider audience. The Shanghai Landscape Forum looks forward to your participation and discussion!


Event Topic

“感知”既具体又抽象,它是人对外界环境的感受以及精神世界的思考。基于过去的记忆和认知,也是最直接的反应和感受,它于每个人是如此的不同却又相同。作为一个景观设计师, 我们关注于分析场地,解决问题。随着项目经验的增多,应对设计也变得更加的熟练。本届论坛以感知为题,希望设计师及相关从业者可以重新出发思考景观的含义。怀抱着开放的心态做一个体验者,带来新的思考与创意。此次将邀请到来自顶尖国际景观设计公司的演讲嘉宾,以及艺术家及学者引出一场层次丰富、跨专业学科的讨论。

“Sensation” is both concrete and abstract. It is people’s perception of the external environment and their thinking in the spiritual world. It’s based on the experience and knowledge of the past, but also the most direct reaction and feeling for the present. It could be the same and so different to everyone. As a landscape architect, we focus on analyzing the site and solving problems. With the increase of project experience, we are more proficient with solving design problems, but is the passion of creating a beautiful world still there? With the topic of sensation for this forum, we hope that designers and allied professionals can think about the meaning of landscape from a new perspective. Experiencing the Shanghai Landscape Forum with an open mind will surely bring new thinking and creativity. This forum will invite speakers from top international landscape design companies, as well as artists and scholars to carry out a rich and interdisciplinary discussion.



 2019年4月21日(周日), 13:00-17:30

Sunday, April 21, 2019, 13:00-17:30






No. 399 W Nanjing Rd, Huangpu District, Shanghai



入场及开幕 Opening

演讲子话题 Talk Subtopic

Session A: 彼时此刻 Memory

Session B: 此情此景 Momentum

茶歇/社交时间 Intermission / Social Time

演讲子话题 Talk Subtopic

Session C: 日新月异 Expectation

圆桌对话 Dialogue

Find Out More and Register


Tickets: RMB 140 for seating / RMB 90 for standing

All tickets include refreshments.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Dou Zhang, ASLA, PLA, LEED AP BD+C, SITES AP, is Senior Associate and Director, Shanghai Office, at Sasaki and Co-Chair of the ASLA International Practice Professional Practice Network (PPN).

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